When I started ParkMyTinyHouse solo 3.5 years ago, I did so on a shoestring.
I registered the business name and web domain.
I built the website.
I wrote all the social media posts. (still mostly do)
I wrote all the guides and resources.
I created the listings.
I introduced hosts and members.
And I designed the logo in Canva (yikes).
I’m so grateful to be surrounded by epic humans to continue what I feel to be the most important work of my life (so far!). We’re disrupting the housing industry by helping people take control of their own story and housing situation.
We have some FREAKING INCREDIBLE plans for you in 2025.
Like- I’m jumping out of my skin excited!!
So it’s time our branding better reflects not only who we are and what we do, but how far we’ve come.
Introducing the NEW LOOK ParkMyTinyHouse!!
In 3 years, we’ve helped over 1,500 people go Tiny, and earned our hosts almost $1 MILLION in rental income!
The stats absolutely blow my mind!!
We needed a logo that reflected our level of expertise, even to those who may never have come across us before.
In addition, amongst the plethora of online negativity, we pride ourselves on being a beacon of hope and positivity, consistently demonstrating that it truly is possible to live this way, to be happy and secure.
It’s why we now have this gorgeous new icon- the Tiny House in the hills, highlighted by the rays of light and hope that illuminate your path to this new life. OOOOF!
I'm so in love with it all, and you’ll be seeing it literally everywhere- including our BRAND NEW WEBSITE that is launching very shortly.
THANK YOU to all our long-time supporters. There are THOUSANDS of you, and without you seeing our vision, we wouldn’t be here today doing what we love.
Let’s take Tiny Houses to the masses in 2025.
xxBry, Kate and Carolyn.

Your endeavours and successes will we hope prompt our various State Government Parliament Representatives to get off their "fundaments" and introduce uniform laws that will make all that you are trying to achieve less costly and riddled with red tape.
The State of Victoria has made a start thank goodness, but a lot more needs to be done.
Keep up the good work.
And for those similar minded persons who also wish to go Tiny, and cannot see how they may achieve their dream - why not have a look at our catalogue . Tiny Down Under makes Dreams Come True.
Our website is not yet up and running. But please send us a request to forward one to…
Well done Bry, congratulations, welcome to the world of small business start ups.
Personally started many very successful small businesses ( which turned into national company's ) in the past with limited capitol, if you have never personally been through the process, you will never understand how difficult it can be.
I sincerely wish you well for the future working for such a great cause, to help others less fortunate. You actually inspired me to work with our Mayor to produce a new policy for homeless people and of course for tiny homes which should be launched soon.
Hope to talk soon
Phil Taylor
Mossiface. Vic